Vit Tall's Flavor...

When it comes to Analytics, we believe that it is necessary to explore, decipher, and deliver insights.

Vit Tall blended joint posits expansion nodal analysis

Exemplar Analytics Figure #1

Vit Tall confidencel level/weighted relationships nodal analysis

Exemplar Analytics Figure #2

Vit Tall multi-domain interconnections nodal analysis

Exemplar Analytics Figure #3

Vit Tall's Trademark

We have endeavored to nurture a capability when it comes to Analytics. We have developed, and continue to develop, software for processing and analyzing large sets of data in the field of Big Data Analytics. This capability has been invaluable for our consulting, and our registered trademark is Analytics on Analytics (A2O)® (U.S. federal trademark serial number 86620982).

Vit Tall LLC is an information technology consultancy that was conceived in the high-tech ecosystem of the East Coast 'Silicon Valley.' It developed in the California ecosystem, which includes the West Coast Silicon Valley, and adapted to become a high performance organization. It is now engaged in resiliency engineering development near Florida’s Space Coast, which some consider to be the next 'Silicon Valley.' Vit Tall’s core competencies include artificial intelligence-inspired data analytics and assessments.

We have had the privilege and honor of being of service to intergovernmental organizations, governmental organizations, universities, Fortune 500 companies, and various management advisory firms. We very much look forward to being of service to you and your organization.

(407) 243-8000

(407) 815-5700
6965 Piazza Grande Avenue, Suite 317
Orlando, Florida 32835-8781